A fun day in the library! …brought to you by Herok children’s library furniture

Hey, what do you know? Another great idea from America! No, not black Friday discounts.
This time it’s ‘Tape Town’, an idea from Kristy Raffensberger from the New York Public Library.

Herok children’s library furnitureThe New York Public Library has nearly 53 million items available to borrow or view, and is the second largest public library in the United States, and third largest in the world, but a librarian or teacher could use the idea of Tape Town in any school or library here in the UK.

To make a Tape Town you just need to stick different colours of electrical tape on the children’s library floor to make interesting criss-crossed roads. At various stopping off places within Tape Town, provide the opportunity to play with some of the library’s toys and place like-themed books there. For example, at one stopping off point you might place a toy volcano surrounded by fearsome dinosaurs alongside books on the Prehistoric world, Roar!!! This would be perfect for toddlers, introducing them to dinosaurs with simple text and great drawings.

To play the game, the toddlers drive around the town playing and learning as they go. They might drive round in little buggies, or they could push a favourite toy car around. Or, they could simply toddle around the course making engine sounds and toot-tooting as they go!

Herok thinks this is a great way to get youngster’s engaged with reading and bring lots of fun to the children’s library.

Contact Herok for children’s library furniture for day nurseries, pre-schools, infant schools and more.