Following the success of our article entitled ‘Herok’s Top 10 Creative Book shelf Designs’, we have selected our top five book shelf ideas that you could make yourself on a shoe string budget… Do it your shelf you might say!
We are always looking for inspiration for new children’s library furniture products, and today we thought we would share some more of our research into adult library furniture with you. Finding creative ways to display books can be just as alluring as any kind of art. These easy and clever book shelves look so cool and unusual but were also chosen as they can be made on a tiny budget, or by recycling things you may already own. Here is a collection of our top five favourites, displayed in reverse order.
5. Made with 2 ladders and planks of wood
You can also do a similar idea with just one ladder.
4. Stacked Antique Benches
The results can be very pretty with careful bench selection and positioning.
3. Wooden Pallet Bookshelves
A really rustic result and so easy to make.
2. Bookshelf made from Wooden Cable Spool and Casters
Search a salvage yard or sites like eBay for a wooden cable spool, add 3 casters, 12x 20mm dowels and some paint, et voila!
1. The Recycled Hollowed-Out TV Bookcase
Recycling at it’s best! A book case or perhaps a statement…
Let us know if you agree or disagree with our selection or if you find something even more unusual to show us.
When it comes to storing children’s books Herok have the answer. We manufacture sturdy Kinderboxes, book trolleys, library shelving, book and media spinners, book displays and reading corners in a great range of colours. See for further details of all of our school library furniture products.