Blog - Posts Tagged ‘making learning fun’


Two World Book Day costumes that are easy to make

World Book Day comes around each year and costumes will need to be rustled up. These two costumes are easy and quick to make, and won’t break the bank either.


Readathon – Improving lives through sponsored reading

A Readathon is an easy to run sponsored reading challenge. Children read for pleasure and are excited by the extra challenge to raise money for seriously ill children. Children talk about books, share and swap favourites, and are genuinely motivated to read.


Booktime is the national free books programme for Reception-aged children

Booktime is the national free books programme for Reception-aged children (age 4-5 years) in England and Wales. It provides a free book pack for every child to share and enjoy with their family and friends.


Use library books to make days out educational as well as fun!

A great idea is to ‘theme’ the school holiday. Then, borrow library books that tie into your theme and provide you with activities ahead of your day out.